
The Ancient Fable Tradition
and Early Christian Literature


At the conference “With new Muse – Babrius: Basics, Approaches, Perspectives” at the University of Graz on the 12.05.2023, Dr. Albertina Oegema and Charlotte Haußmann have held presentations about the “Age dynamics in the fables of Babrius and early Christian and rabbinic parables (Oegema) and “Narrative Ethnics in the Fables of Babrius” (Haußmann).


Conference “The Animal in the New Testament and Graeco-Roman World: Human-Animal Studies Perspectives from Christian, Jewish, and Pegan Thought” from June 15th to 17th at the main campus on the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.

For further information, please look at the “Events”-page at this website.